A brief history of state management libraries for React: Redux, MobX, Zustand, Recoil, Jotai

A brief history of state management libraries for React: Redux, MobX, Zustand, Recoil, Jotai

  • 10 лютого
  • дивитись 49 хв
Катерина Шиповська
Катерина Шиповська Senior JavaScript Engineer, Software Architect у Boosta, Викладач Комп'ютерної школи Hillel.

State management in React has been a constantly evolving landscape, with various libraries rising and falling in popularity as developers strive to find the best tools for their needs.

We’ll take a deep dive into the evolution of state management in React, starting from the early days of MobX, moving through the dominant era of Redux, and arriving at the more recent and flexible solutions like Zustand.

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